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Cloud Consulting

Expert consulting on cloud-native and cloud-agnostic solutions

There are always new technical or business challenges to overcome. Our Cloud Consulting service Melbourne provides the technical know-how to turn your vision into reality. You need a clear vision and measurable goals for your cloud transformation program. Correct timing and the scope of your cloud migration activities are crucial for success. Starting with your business needs, our experts support you in defining a compelling vision and plan for your cloud transformation programme. Using proven methodologies and our experience across a wide range of engagements, our Cloud Consulting service will help you identify the right digital tools to support the specific needs, goals and structure of your organization.  

  • The benefits
  • Types of Cloud Services
  • Innovate with Cloud Consulting

Benefits of Cloud Consulting Services

Strategic Transformation

With a holistic cloud strategy and long-term transformation goals in place, you have a solid foundation for your cloud journey - enabling you to better serve your customers throughout the change.

Business Value Prioritization

Our methodical migration approach ensures the right balance between short- and long-term transformation goals, while keeping an eye firmly on end-user needs and their priorities.

Operational Efficiency and Security

Overall migration and integration architecture ensure that speed, flexibility and security are all maintained when your transformation touches critical parts of your hybrid IT landscape.

Types of Cloud Services

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

The most common structure of cloud computing, organizations can lease basic software infrastructure such as servers, networks, operating systems and more. This is a pay as you use model.

Platform as a service (PaaS)

A developer focussed infrastructure, this option comes with a whole of developer aid tools and resources such as testing, computing, virtual servers and networks and the likes. This infrastructure speeds ups the web or application development process.

Software as a service (SaaS)

An organization focused on cloud infrastructure, Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is used by organizations to deliver an application to users via the internet. This is also called on-demand software.

Innovate with Cloud Consulting

Teknologi offers the way of working and delivering innovation at scale. No matter where you are on your cloud journey, Teknologi’s Cloud Consulting Services will help you harness the power of cloud to transform your organization, identify opportunities to gain competitive advantage and improve business efficiency and operations. The defined migration solution will account for business continuity, more frequent delivery cycles, and quick profits.

What Can You Do With Your Cloud

Digital Transformation

Big Data and Analytics

Disaster Recovery


Internet of Things – IoT


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